Live Results

Live Results is a website you can use to publish your Race Manager results too.

Step 1. Connect Your Account

Go to Live-Results > Settings in the menu

If you have already connected your account, you can go ahead to Step 2

Click on (Click to connect)



Contact [email protected] to get your Live Results Key

Note: Keep a note of that key, incase you need to set up Race Manager again in the future

Enter your Live Results Key, and press OK


Your account will be verified, and the name of your account displayed on the screen



Step 2. Enable Live Results


Now tick Enable Live Results

You can also choose from the other settings depending on your event

Show Medal Tally  Dsplay medal tally page, if the progressions in racemanager you are using support medals
Show Points Table Display a points table page, if the progressions in racemanager you are using support points
Show Rankings Display ranking page, which orders the teams/competitors from fastests to slowest across each event
Show Status Display a page, showing which event is next, which has just completed, and which event should go to boat loading

Once you have choosen the settings you need, click on [OK]

You will also need to set up one computer as the Race Manager server, only the server will send results to the live results website. 

Go to Settings > Other in the menu


Tick the box that says Run Backgound Tasks, and click on [OK]

Important: If you have multiple computers connected to RaceManager for your event, only 1 computer should have the Run Background Tasks turned on, otherwise you will get unpredictable updates happening.


Step 3. Publishing Live Results

To publish your race schedule / lane draw to the live results server,

Go to Live-Results> Upload all races from the menu, this will send all your races to the Live Results site

This may take 1-2mins depending on the size of your event and the speed of your internet connection.If you go to you should be able to see your event on in the list.

After you have done that, everytime you publish a race result, those changes will automatically get set to the Live Results website.


Trouble shooting

If for any reason your results do not show up on, you can try Live-Results > Purge Queue, and then Live-Results > Upload all races again
